Fees Schedule
Fees for land title services are set by Nisga’a Lisims Government regulation. Fees must be paid in advance. Payments are accepted by cash, debit, credit card, cheque or money order.
If you are paying by cheque or money order please make payable to “Nisga’a Lisims Government”
Fees include applicable taxes.
Fees do not apply to a title search and copy requested by a Nisga’a citizen.
Fees do not apply to the Nisga’a Nation or a Nisga’a Village, with the exception of the fee for refusal of an application under NLTA section 204(1).
Fees do not apply to transactions related to administration of estates.
For a complete listing of fees and conditions that apply to the payment of fees please see the Nisga’a Land Title Regulation and the Nisga’a Landholding Transition Regulation