The transfer of fee simple ownership of a parcel is granted by a Village government. There are three ways that such a transfer can be initiated:
Only a Nisga’a citizen can receive the fee simple title to a lot in the first instance. However, once a Nisga’a citizen receives title, he or she can transfer that title without restriction.
The Nisga’a Land Title Office requires proof of citizenship for all transfers under the Nisga’a Landholding Transition Act.
For a transaction that begins with the offer of fee simple title to the existing entitlement holder for a parcel, the following forms are required:
- NLHTA Form 1 – to be filled out by the Village government
- NLHTA Form 5 – to be filled out by entitlement holder(s) if the offer is accepted
- NLHTA Form 6 – to be filled out by the entitlement holder(s) if the offer is declined
For a transaction that begins with a request by an existing entitlement holder to the Village government, the following forms are required:
- NLHTA Form 3 – to be filled out by existing entitlement holder(s)
- NLHTA Form 1 – to be filled out by the Village government, if the request is granted and the fee simple ownership is offered
- NLHTA Form 5 – to be filled out by the entitlement holder(s) if the offer is accepted
- NHLTA Form 6 – to be filled out by the entitlement holder(s) if the offer is declined
For a transaction that begins with the offer of fee simple title to a parcel without an existing entitlement, the following forms are required:
- NLHTA Form 9 – to be filled out by the Village government and properly witnessed
- NLHTA Form 11 – to be filled out by the recipient
For further information, please see the Fee Simple for Nisga’a Citizens page or contact the Nisga’a Land Title Office for an application package.
For transactions that involve the grant of fee simple to the Nisga’a Nation, please refer to the legislation and contact the Nisga’a Land Title Office for information, if required.