The first step is for the executor or administrator of the estate to apply to the Nisga’a Land Title Office to be registered as holder of the interest in land. To do this the executor or administrator must submit:
- A Form 18 application for the registration of executor of will or administrator of estate, signed by the executor or administrator
- A certified copy of the grant of letters probate or letters of administration issued by the BC Supreme Court
- A certified copy of the declaration and disclosure document
- As of July 24, 2019 Fees do not apply to transactions related to administration of estates
The second step is for the executor or administrator of the estate to transfer the interest in land to the heir or beneficiary entitled under the terms of the estate. To do this the executor or administrator must submit:
- A properly witnessed Form C signed by the executor or administrator as “transferor” and the beneficiary as “applicant” and “transferee”
- A Form 15 (for Nisga’a Village entitlement) or Form 16 (for Nisga’a Nation entitlement) evidencing that the beneficiary is an eligible recipient of the interest in land
- As of July 24, 2019 Fees do not apply to transactions related to administration of estates
- Documents evidencing beneficiaries, if required
After the successful completion of this step, the interest in land would be registered in the name of the beneficiary.
Download the Instruction Sheet for Form C. Please contact our office for further assistance.