To receive a Nisga’a Village Entitlement, each transferee must be a Nisga’a citizen and must also have been a member of the Indian Band that preceded the Nisga’a Village Government of the respective Nisga’a Village.
The Nisga’a Land Title Office requires a copy of both a Nisga’a citizenship card and a status card for each transferee at the time of application.
A letter from the Enrolment Coordinator of the relevant Village government providing a status number and a declaration that the transferee was a member of the relevant Indian Band prior to May 11, 2000 is acceptable in lieu of a status card.
In order to transfer a Nisga’a Village Entitlement it is necessary to complete two forms, Form C and Form 15, both of which are available from the Nisga’a Land Title Office and this website. The Land Title Office staff can assist you to ensure that the forms are filled out correctly, although they are not permitted to fill out the forms for you.
It is also necessary for the transferor (or each transferors, if there is more than one) of a Nisga’a Village Entitlement to have his or her signature on the Form C witnessed by a lawyer or a notary public. There is generally a fee for this service by the witness.
The transfer of the Nisga’a Village Entitlement has no legal effect until the Form C is registered.
The registration fee must be paid in full before the application can be processed. Please see the Fees page for current fees.
Download the Instruction Sheet for Form C. Please contact our office for further assistance